ד"ר שולה גולדן

ד"ר שולה גולדן

לימודי סביבה


Dr. Shula Goulden studied geography (BA, University of Cambridge) and environmental planning and policy (MSc, London School of Economics) before moving to Israel, where she worked in international relations at the Ministry of the Environmental Protection and later at the Porter School of Environmental Studies at Tel Aviv University. She completed her PhD at Ben Gurion University, researching policy and discourse in sustainable construction, and was  a post-doctoral fellow at the Technion Institute of Technology and the University of Haifa. 


Her research interests lie at the intersection of urban environmental policy and governance, environmental discourse and science and technology studies. She has published several academic papers on emerging environmental policy concepts, environmental standards and socio-technical systems, and taught courses on urban sustainability and environmental governance. 


In her current role, she combines research on urban climate mitigation and adaptation with advancement of partnerships to bridge knowledge between academia and other sectors in pursuit of climate solutions.   

תחומי עניין וידע

לימודי סביבה

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